Message from SEO lovedoctor: Queen Google is a lady, start treating her like that

Imagine this…

You are an inn keeper. You have had a lot of successful years, as Queen Google has loved you, and referred many of her loyal citizens to visit and stay at your place.

Then one day everything changes. Queen Google loves you no more. Gone are the visitors. Gone is the revenue. Gone is all the love you had. Poor you.

You try to understand why your Queen loves you no more. You try to call her. You try write her. You try to get her attention. You try to contact her and ask where did you go wrong. All of it fails. Your only contact to Queen are the Queen’s workers, who crawl into your inn every now and then. Poor you.

You start to panic. You poke here and rant there. You want things back the way they were. It was good for you, but you never asked 'was it good for my lady'. You say you will fix things, but in reality your heart is not in for the deep changes. You pretend you don’t care for falling out of love, but you still do. You sink deeper and deeper into pit filled with mania and delusions. Poor you.

You work up the engine room. You renovate the plumbing. You tear down walls and build up new ones to make things bigger and bolder. You rework all the tech stuff possible until your engineer says you compatibility with royal decree is 100/100. Alas, Queen still loves you not. Poor you.

You paint the walls with colors that Queen likes. You decorate the walls with pictures and stories that Queen prefers. You do everything time and again in desperate effort to test all the combinations. Still, nothing but silence you hear from your Queen. Poor you.

You reach out to local news and media and ask them to write stories about your glorious in. You pay other inn-keepers to put pretty words about your place (so that Queen would love you bit more). Heck, you even buy couple of white labels so that you could masquerade your identity and meet the Queen. But the Queen still loves you not. Poor you.

How to get out of this all?

Just like in real relationship ….

Don’t do the changes because of somebody else. Do them for you. Regardless of the end result, you still have to live with the stuff and changes you are doing for a long time. If you do the SEO magic and spend tons of money just to get as number one, then you are a fake. And that is simply not sexy. Why would Queen Google (or anyone else) really love you for that? If you want to get Queen Google to love you, then you just have to be genuinely Amazing. Because of yourself. And it is a process that roots from the within.

Do not expect anything. The big O in SEO does not stand not for optimization but for organic. There are things you control and things you do not control. How and when Queen Google loves you is not in your hands. And I mean that you control none of it. The more you expect, the more you try to control (of what cannot be controlled). And the more you fail, the more you expect from next time. It creates a vicious cycle. Stop. Expect nothing.

And finally, do not rush or push. This is not a speedrace. Relationships take time to mature and discover their true form. Every time a relationship goes through something more than a rough patch, it can take years and years for things to settle down. You are in this situation because Queen Google loves you not. It can be because of something you did (that is why you need to figure out your own shit regardless and independently of Queen Google), or it can be because of something inside Queen Google’s head (that is totally out of your control and will sort out some day). It can be days, weeks, months, years, even decades. Just like in real life.

Love is a complex thing. Even in SEO.

Yours truly (and wishes of happy Valentine's),


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